Welcome! This blog is centered around the cookbook, DON'T EAT ME! A Cookbook for Animal Lovers.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Important Petition to Help Animals on Factory Farms!

Hey Everyone - I was recently made aware of a fantastic petition that needs signatures to help animals on factory farms. This petition is asking for it to be mandatory by law that there are surveillance cameras placed in all slaughterhouses, factory farms and dairy farms. This would have an enormous impact on preventing so much of the abuse that occurs in these places. It would also make the prosecution of people who abuse these animals so much easier. I urge you all to please sign this important petition at www.thepetitionsite.com . When you get to the site, go to the care2 search engine at the top right hand corner of the page and type in "Put surveillance cameras in all slaughterhouses." Thank you!

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